
A Tool to Track the Key Components of an Inclusive Digital Economy

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The inclusive digital economy scorecard (IDES) is a strategic performance tool developed by the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). The IDES is a policy tool that governments can use to help set the priorities of their country's digital transformation. It identifies the key market constraints hindering the development of an inclusive digital economy and helps set the right priorities with public and private stakeholders in each country to foster a digital economy that leaves no one behind.

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  1. To contact IDES via the web, please use our online Contact Form. Important IDES Telephone Numbers at a Glance. Unemployment insurance claim questions: (800) 244-5631.
  2. “IDES is the only firm I know of with a focus on Title 32 and a deep bench to execute correctly every time. They are a true partner.” “IDES has been a great firm to work with as they keep our homeowners interests at the forefront of conversation.

The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today that it remains committed to implementing newly announced federal unemployment benefits and relief measures as quickly and effectively as possible. After nearly a week of delays, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill, H.R. 133, on Sunday, December 27.

In the last quarter of 2020, IDES was implemented in 13 additional countries around the world (DRC, Fiji, Guinea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Namibia, Rwanda, Samoa, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Zambia). The UNCDF country teams work locally to collect primary data and engage with governments to establish IDES as a strategic policy tool to monitor and track the development of country’s inclusive digital transformation.

In August 2020, the 2020 version of IDES was released and implemented in 4 pilot countries (Uganda, Solomon Islands, Nepal and Burkina Faso). To support this process, UNCDF worked closely with the governments of these 4 countries to further strengthen the tool and complement the recommendations from the reference group. Currently, Uganda and the Solomon Islands are using IDES as a tool to drive and monitor the development of their digital transformation.

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In Q1 and Q2 2020, UNCDF set up a reference group to further refine IDES as a measurement tool for policy makers, national governments and the private sector. The reference group is comprised of partners from the European Commission, GSMA, UNCTAD, UNDESA, UNDP and UNCDF. The objective of the reference group is to refine the scorecard and its indicators and, more broadly, drive the agenda of the measurement of inclusive digital economies. The results of the first round of discussions was shared with multiple stakeholders at UNCTAD eWeek in late April.