Badan Otonom

– A Pratical Guide”, Arthur J. Mann mengungkapkan bahwa pembentukan Badan Semi-Otonom Pajak yang langsung di bawah pengawasan presiden, memberikan banyak manfaat. Namun ada juga beberapa pihak yang menilai gagasan itu memberi implikasi buruk. Muslimat Mathla’ul Anwar (MUSMA) Generasi Muda Mathla’ul Anwar GEMA MA) Himpunan Mahasiswa Mathla’ul Anwar (HIMMA) Ikatan Pelajar Mathla’ul Anwar (IPMA) Lembaga Amil Zakat Mathla’ul Anwar (LAZMA) Humas Mathla’ul Anwar Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Mathla’ul Anwar (LBH-MA) Koperasi Pusat Mathla’ul Anwar (KOPUSMA) 7,431 total views, 1 views today.


Training session of Badan Semi Otonom, Badminton at the evening

Denpasar, on Monday (13/03), the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (BEM Social) Udayana University established Badan Semi Otonom Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (BSO Social). This board focuses on the students’ interests and talents development in sports. There are three kinds of sports such as badminton, basketball, and soccer.

Badan Otonom

This institution formation is one of the work programs of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences under the Ministry of Sports, Arts and Culture. This department is currently led by Ni Putu Erika Destyawati or Erika.

'This institution is a board established by the BEM FISIP which serves as a forum for students at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences to express their interests and talents,' said Erika.

Erika added if this board will be guided in every activity by BEM FISIP. In this case BEM FISIP is as a protector of this autonomous board. Each board there will be a coordinator who will be a liaison in every activity and as the problem solver when this board and BEM FISIP are facing a problem.

The schedule of Badan Semi Otonom FISIP activity

Badan Otonom Adalah

Until now, the autonomous board has started to carry out a routine exercise, and the badminton exercise is beginning on this day. In addition, the next kinds of sport which take the routine exercise are futsal (soccer) on March 17th and basketball on March 19th. (sobhita)