The Very Best Of Loose Ends

Jan 10, 2021 - Explore Charlene Maroni's board 'perms before and after', followed by 361 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about permed hairstyles, long hair styles, curly hair styles. The true loose ends style. Tree Braids Loose Ends. Tree braids are the true definition of box braids with loose ends. If you want a look that gives you the flexibility to style your hair as if there were no braids at all, get this! Need help deciding on a style? Here are some of our favorite tree braid styles.

(redirected from tie up loose ends)

tie up (some/a few) loose ends

To take care of, finish, or resolve some issues or pieces of business that are not critical but have remained outstanding. I'm just about ready to move to Europe, but I need to tie up some loose ends with my ex-girlfriend before I go.The legal team is still tying up a few loose ends in the merger contract, but, other than that, we are ready to move ahead with the deal.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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The Best Of Loose Ends Cd


Songs By Loose Ends

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